The Property Rights Program (PRP) is tasked by USAID with improving court process related to property claims. Cases involving property rights disputes pose the greatest challenges for Kosovo courts to resolve effectively. PRP is conducting extensive research and analysis of the case flow management of property cases with the aim of reducing the unnecessary delays attendant to such claims; and is reviewing Kosovo courts’ substantive judicial practice in the area of property rights to identify the problematic issues arising in property rights cases on which the judicial practice is inconsistent and troubled. All of these efforts are aimed at helping the courts adopt measures and practices to ensure that property cases are disposed as efficiently and effectively as possible with decisions that are appropriate, consistent, predictable and well-grounded in the law.

This Scope of Work (SOW) is to support an initiative to produce summaries of ECHR decisions that address property rights issues, in order to make available to judges and others in Kosovo the practice of the ECHR in this area and enable them to reflect and apply that practice in their own adjudication of property rights cases.

A total of from 120 to 150 relevant case summaries will be produced from cases that meet the criteria described above. In selecting the cases to be summarized, the Experts will give due consideration to the information that PRP has provided on the salient problematic legal issues that PRP has identified in its research of the judicial practice of Kosovo courts in the area of property rights. Each intern will receive a total of 20 hours of instruction during this period, and each of the three Experts will work a total of 18 days during this period.