Borrowing, printing, photocopying, use of computers and other technology at the American Corner Pristina
Printing, Photocopying, and Scanning
Use of Computers and Technology
Only registered members of the American Corner Pristina have the privilege to check out items. Visitors may only use resources within the Corner.
The following loan periods are available:
Materials | Loan Period | Limit | Renewals |
Books designated for circulation (including last copy books) | 2 weeks | 3 | Renewable for an additional one week |
Magazines | 1 week | 3 issues | Nonrenewable |
DVDs and CDs | 1 week | 3 copies | Nonrenewable |
Board Games (Only teachers and parents) | 5 days | 2 | Nonrenewable |
E-reader (kindles) | 5 days | 1 | Nonrenewable |
Overdue, Lost and Damaged Items
Delinquent members, who constantly return their materials late, may lose their borrowing privileges. Members who have overdue materials will be denied borrowing privileges until materials are returned or accounted for.
In case of lost or damage items, borrowing privileges may be suspended for a period of time.
Printing, Photocopying, and Scanning
Printing, photocopying, and scanning machines are to support the Corner activities, including posters, flyers, and brochures promoting the Corner and its activities, as well as printing and copying requested for Corner programs by outside speakers and facilitators. These services are free of charge for persons who organize activities.
American Corner Pristina applies a nominal fee for printing and photocopying for all users. Scanning services are free of charge. Users must ask the American Corner coordinator before printing/photocopying/scanning.
The following fees apply:
- For color printing: 0.10 Euros per page
- For black and white printing: 0.05 Euros per page
- For photocopying: 0.05 Euros per page
- For scanning: no fee
Copyright Notice:
This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve a violation of copyright law. Reproduction of materials is regulated by Law No. 04/L-065 on Copyright and Related Rights, Article 44 “Private and Own Reproduction”.
Use of Computers and Technology
- American Corner Pristina desktop workstations should not be used to display content that may be offensive to others. American Corner Pristina desktop workstations are made available for public use specifically to facilitate access to information about the U.S. Sexually explicit content and images, and graphic violence, as well as content advocating hate crimes, is inappropriate and is prohibited.
- Unlawful use of computers is prohibited, including sending, receiving, viewing, or downloading illegal materials.
- The Corner’s staff reserves the right to limit and/or schedule workstation usage to accommodate the largest number of customers. Computers are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Tampering with PC security which protects computers is prohibited. Activities, which disrupt the Library or its network, are prohibited.
- The Corner’s staff is not responsible for computer equipment, software malfunctions, or lost data. Users are instructed not to store information on public computers. Data stored may be lost once the session ends or the device reboots.
- The Corner cannot guarantee the security of personal information transmitted over the Internet and does not recommend the use of Library computers for sensitive applications such as online banking, tax filing, etc.
- Failure to comply with these rules will result in loss of Internet and/or computer access.
Use of WiFi
- The Corner will strive to keep WiFi access points working, available, and functional for all. However, bandwidth and transmission speed may be affected due to the number of wireless users actively online, maintenance, upgrading, training, or other reasons.
- WiFi users should be certain that their laptops and other devices are secure at all times and are never left unattended in the Corner, even for brief periods of time. Theft of such devices is not the responsibility of the Corner.
- As with most public wireless “hot spots,” this WiFi connection is not secure. Another wireless user can potentially intercept any information being transmitted. The Corner recommends that you do not transmit personal information such as credit card numbers and other personal identification numbers, or other sensitive information while using any wireless “hot spot.” WiFi users assume all risks and responsibilities to provide anit-virus software protection and appropriate security settings on their laptops.
The same rules for computer use apply to WiFi use in case of failure to comply with any of these rules.
Use of e-Readers
When borrowing an e-reader, you will be responsible to abide by the following rules and are requested to sign this form:
- E-readers can be used only by the registered users of the American Corner Pristina.
- E-readers may be checked out only to users that have been registered for more than 3 months.
- Proof of identification/age and a signed release form are required for borrowing an e-reader.
- The e-reader must be in your care at all times and cannot be left unattended.
- You may not delete or download new content onto the e-reader. Please see the staff member if you have a specific content request.
- You may not de-register the e-reader or change the account settings.
- The e-reader must be returned directly to a staff member to check back in. it may not be left at the desk if no staff member is present.
- The device will be inspected for condition and content before and after use. Any changes in condition or content while in your care will be noted and may lead to the suspension of borrowing privileges.
- American Corner Pristina reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who abuses equipment or is repeatedly late in returning materials and/or electronic devices.